Tuesday 29 November 2011

HIV 30 Years Old!!

Look at the Ads on HIV AIDS - consider their impact now and the cointribution they made in the 1980s on Aids awareness.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Housing Crisis - Could Tower Blocks Return?

In the post war housing crisis local authorities under guidance from the government of theday turned to Tower Blocks as the solution to the housing crisis. With the UK population forecast to reach 70 million by 2016 could the tower block be returning to the skyline of urban Britain?

Read this article and follow the links

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Disunited Kingdom

For your work on Conflict and the United Kingdom this series of blogs and links from the Guardian has a lot of very interesting and useful material for you to get a perspective on Scottich devolution.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Sudan - conflict continues?

Conflict over oil continues to undermine the peace in south Sudan.

Check out this article and the links from the bottom of the page.

Who are the rebel groups?